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Humanitarian Crisis in Gaza

Palestine and Gaza Relief

The Gaza conflict has escalated into a humanitarian crisis of unprecedented scale, affecting countless lives, especially the most vulnerable—children. The severity of the situation is highlighted by recent reports, indicating nearly 28,000 casualties since October 7, with a significant number being children. This crisis underscores the brutal impact of conflict on the innocence of youth.

Stand With Palestine

Current Situation in Gaza

The most recent updates indicate a significant escalation in the death toll due to the conflict in Gaza. As of February 16, 2024, the death toll stands at approximately 29,170 Palestinians and about 1,139 Israelis since the beginning of the conflict on October 7, 2023. This includes a detailed breakdown of casualties in Gaza, with at least 28,775 people killed, including more than 12,300 children and 8,400 women. Additionally, more than 68,552 individuals have been injured, including at least 8,663 children and 6,327 women. There are also more than 7,000 people reported missing.


This information underscores the devastating human cost of the ongoing conflict and highlights the urgent need for humanitarian aid and efforts to achieve a ceasefire. The situation has led to significant international concern and calls for action to prevent further loss of life and suffering among civilians.


The toll on children has been particularly harrowing. Over 4,104 children have been reported killed during the current conflict, a stark reminder of the lethal impact of warfare on society’s youngest members.


Human Concern International's Response

Human Concern International (HCI), with its longstanding presence in Gaza since 2000, is actively responding to the crisis. Our organizations multifaceted approach to aid in Gaza aims to address immediate needs while also considering and planning for the long-term wellbeing of the affected population. Providing shelter, medical aid, and psychological support are critical steps toward mitigating the disaster’s impact.

Currently we have been able to get a number of trucks with aid into the region through the Rafah crossing. During a crisis, HCI’s emergency response program is meticulously structured around three critical phases to address both immediate and long-term needs:

  • Phase 1 – Emergency Relief: During this first phase, HCI provides basic necessities and healthcare to those affected, prioritizing the most urgent needs to alleviate suffering.
  • Phase 2 – Early Recovery: The focus during the second phase shifts to rebuilding essential infrastructure, like housing, and supporting education to foster a sense of normalcy and hope.
  • Phase 3 – Community Development: During the third phase, HCI aims to restore health systems, offer psychosocial support, and rebuild infrastructure, laying the groundwork for sustainable community resilience.


In Gaza, HCI is committed to sponsoring a large number of orphans over the next five years, to ensure these children receive the necessary care and support to overcome the trauma of war and loss.

How You Can Help

Supporting HCI’s initiatives is a tangible way to contribute to alleviating the suffering in Gaza. Donations toward emergency relief, medical aid, and the orphan sponsorship program can make a significant difference in the lives of those caught in this tragic conflict, as we are able to trickle aid into the region.

However, despite our efforts, the challenges remain daunting. The blockade and ongoing hostilities have severely hampered current humanitarian access, complicating the delivery of aid and the execution of recovery initiatives. 

Here are some other ways you can make an impact: 

  • Share content on social media
  • Get in touch with local government officials & representatives to call for a ceasefire
  • Continue donating – in preparation for larger scale aid delivery into the region 


Supporting HCI’s initiatives is a tangible way to contribute to alleviating the suffering in Gaza. Donations toward emergency relief, medical aid, and the orphan sponsorship program can make a significant difference in the lives of those caught in this tragic conflict, as we are able to trickle aid into the region.

The situation in Gaza is a stark reminder of the dire consequences of conflict, especially on children. HCI’s commitment to humanitarian aid provides a beacon of hope amid the darkness. However, the international community’s continued support and advocacy are essential to ensure a sustainable resolution and aid delivery to those in need.

As we stand with Palestine, let us remember the importance of humanity, compassion, and the collective effort needed to heal and rebuild a community torn apart by conflict.

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