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Stand against Injustice

The tragedy of the Rohingya Refugees

One of the worst, on-going tragedies of our age: The genocide of the Rohingya people. We have seen their horrors – rape, mutilation, and murder. Over 1,100,000 Rohingya fled from their homeland to seek refuge in Bangladesh. Now, they are stranded in the middle with almost no aid or relief. HCI has been on the ground delivering emergency aid directly to the Rohingya refugees by providing food, shelter, winter relief, water and sanitation. While we will continue to meet the urgency of this humanitarian crisis through emergency relief distribution, we recognize that more must be done in the long term. 


To address this, HCI will also focus on other basic necessities such as building tube wells and latrines in the camps. Thousands are still living under tress in the midst of the monsoon rain and floods. In the last few years we built hundreds of wells and latrines. Moving forward, we’re focused on establishing an orphan sponsorship program, a children’s center, a mobile clinic, and health initiatives for new mothers, newborns and expectant mothers. 


Help us provide a dignified life for the Rohingya people.

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