Therefore, there is no specific or preferred way to spread the good news about the month of Ramadan; it is merely desirable to do so in any way that is comfortable for you.
The Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) used to tell his Companions the good news of the onset of Ramadan and urge them to make the most of it.
Happy Ramadan is a more Western version of the greeting, which could also be used with non-Muslim neighbours and colleagues to help them feel included in the occasion.
However, ‘Ramadan Mubarak’ tends to be more popularised by the Asian subcontinent.
Mubarak is a word used in both Arabic and Urdu – meaning ‘who or which is blessed.’
‘Ramadan Kareem’ is the greeting heard more commonly across the Arab world, and Kareem means ‘gracious or generous.’
Here, it refers to the generosity of the month, which arrives with abundant blessings available.
Ramadan comes as a source of much comfort and delight to the believers of Islam. A time to recharge your spiritual battery and reconnect with your true life’s purpose. A time that is anticipated and revered all year round.
It is no surprise then that the countdown begins well in advance – so much so, by the time the crescent moon is sighted, Muslims are overcome with joy and happiness that the blessings of the month have arrived. Greetings are exchanged, in person with hugs and handshakes, by telephone to family members abroad, and nowadays more commonly by text message, email or via a social media platform. Everyone rushing, to wish their brothers and sisters a fruitful and blessed month.
How then, is the best way to congratulate others on the coming of Ramadan? Is there a preferred method in the Sunnah of how to welcome in this honoured month?
Depending on your heritage and cultural background, you will probably say ‘Happy Ramadan!’, ‘Ramadan Mubarak!’ or ‘Ramadan Kareem!’ All three of these are interchangeable and essentially mean the same thing.
Human Concern International is the oldest Muslim relief organization in Canada, fighting poverty for over 40 years. We are a registered charity with the CRA. Charitable Registration No. 107497125 RR 0001