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Tag: Islam

How to Get Barakah in Your Time

Discover the profound concept of Barakah in Islam and explore practical steps to invite more blessings into your time. Maximize productivity and deepen your connection with faith through our insights.

First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah 2023

Do you know what makes the First 10 Days of Dhul Hijjah so important? Find out here with HCI’s exploration of this topic.

Qurbani FAQs

All about Qurbani. Eid al-Adha is fast approaching. Click here to have all your Qurbani-related questions answered.

Qurbani Meaning

What does Qurbani mean? Click here to find out the significance, history and importance of Qurbani in Islam.

When is Dhul Hijjah 2023

Dhul Hijjah 2023 is set to begin on 19th June. Find out other key dates in Dhul Hijjah as well it’s significance and what you should do.

The 4 Sacred Months in Islam

The Sacred Months in Islam are four: Muharram, Rajab, Dhul-Qa’dah and Dhul-Hijjah. What makes them sacred? Click here to find out plus more!

Shawwal: Month of Reward

Find out about the month of Shawwal, its significance and some of the events that took place within it throughout Islamic History.

Ramadan Resources | 2023

Ramadan is a time of spirituality and recommitment to faith. Here, we’ve collated a short list of online Ramadan Resources for your benefit.

Quran: The Essential Guide of Etiquettes

Here HCI brings you a short blog highlighting the etiquettes one should uphold when engaging with the Book of Allah!