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Tag: Ramadan

When is Ramadan 2023?

Shawwal: Month of Reward

Find out about the month of Shawwal, its significance and some of the events that took place within it throughout Islamic History.

Ramadan Resources | 2023

Ramadan is a time of spirituality and recommitment to faith. Here, we’ve collated a short list of online Ramadan Resources for your benefit.

The Fiqh of Ramadan: The Rules of Fasting

Every year, Muslims around the world fast 30 days for the month of Ramadan. There are rules to fasting, known as Fiqh. Find out more here.

How to Calculate Zakat

Zakat: The Inward and Outward Dimensions

Who Receives Zakat?

The Social and Economic Benefits of Zakat

Dua for Last 10 Days of Ramadan

The Complete Ramadan Guide